From dembicky at Wed Jun 2 08:16:41 2004 From: dembicky at (Jack Dembicky) Date: Tue Feb 7 18:30:17 2006 Subject: [Lens] 4 Lenses observered at APO Message-ID: I observed the following lenses tonight under the PU08 program at APO FBQ0951 PG1115 SDSS1226 SDSS1650 The lenses were observed in the following filters r', g', i' (at 90 sec each) and z' (at 180 sec). I also got flat fields for all 4 filters as well as a set of 10 bias images. Data scp to Princeton and OSU as well as archived to CD-ROM at APO. Jack Dembicky Observing Specialist II Apache Point Observatory