[Peyton-observing] Special tour Feb 11

Christopher J. White cjwhite at Princeton.EDU
Wed Jan 30 13:34:21 EST 2013

I've been in charge of organizing a tour for a group of engineering students at TCNJ. It looks like we've settled on Monday, Feb. 11, as a good date. If there are any problems with this date, please let me know - otherwise I'll contact them and confirm it.

In addition to some observing and explanation of the engineering behind telescopes, they are interested in hearing about current research in astro. Having some of our standby presentations polished by then would be great. Also, I can handle presenting/observing/etc, but if anyone else would like join to give other perspectives, that would be great. I'm envisioning just a few minutes on each major subfield - a broad overview from a perspective of a researcher.

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