[Peyton-observing] LX200 manual

Munan Gong gmnthu at gmail.com
Sat Feb 2 21:26:14 EST 2013

Sure. I will be at Peyton on Tuesday evening.

Sent from my iPhone

On Feb 2, 2013, at 20:36, Elisa Chisari <nchisari at princeton.edu> wrote:

> Sounds good. There is also a printed copy of the manual in the dome by 
> the computer. What about Tuesday evening? We should probably do this 
> before the upcoming observing on Wednesday.
> Elisa
> On 02/02/2013 08:06 PM, jegunn wrote:
>> The Meade manual is attached. I would suggest that Elisa, Chris, Chelsea,
>> Munan, and I get together some evening and go through the setup 
>> procedure.
>> Even if nothing is wrong (which seems likely) it would seem worthwhile to
>> do this.
>> --jim
>> On Sat, 2 Feb 2013, Munan Gong wrote:
>>> Hi Jim,I agree that it will be helpful to check the settings. Is there a
>>> written instruction anywhere? Or does someone know how to do it? I 
>>> will be
>>> happy to see and learn the settings for the telescope.
>>> Munan
>>> On Sat, Feb 2, 2013 at 7:05 AM, jegunn <jeg at astro.princeton.edu> wrote:
>>>      Thanks all, and to Chris and Chelsea. Does anyone have any clue
>>>      how
>>>      the telescope was set to altazimuth? We should probably check
>>>      ALL the
>>>      settings, although if the telescope pointed they are most likely
>>>      mostly OK. It would not be a bad idea to go through the setup
>>>      procedure step by step.
>>>      --jim
>>>      On Sat, 2 Feb 2013, Munan Gong wrote:
>>>> Hi everyone,The observing night is unbelievably amazing!
>>>> We came up to the dome at 9pm, and enjoyed ourselves with stars and
>>> music
>>>> till 11pm, before the neuroscience prospectives came. Even with
>>> stadium
>>>> lights on, we saw a plenty of very faint objects down to ~8.4mag :
>>> M81 and
>>>> M82, the crab nebular, M40(double star), M106, NGC0869(double
>>> cluster), M94,
>>>> M51(Whirlpool galaxy), M32(faint companion of M31) even the astroid
>>> vista,
>>>> and of course, fabulous view of Jupiter and Orion nebular.
>>>> There are about 20 prospectives today, and we showed them Jupiter,
>>> Orion
>>>> nebular and M44 cluster, and they stayed for about an hour till
>>> midnight.
>>>> Some notes:
>>>> 1. 20 people is really a big group - we didn't split them in two
>>> groups
>>>> because it was really late anyway. Some people didn't have time to
>>> adjust
>>>> the focus, and that was a shame.. Although we have a lot of astro
>>> grads to
>>>> help, the dome is really packed and noisy with a lot of people. So I
>>> think
>>>> actually ~<10 people at one time will be much nicer.
>>>> 2. The telescope was not tracking and directing to the objects
>>> properly in
>>>> the beginning. Then Chris and Chelsea found out the problem - The
>>> local time
>>>> is off by a few minutes, and the setting somewhere(can you remind me
>>> Chris?)
>>>> is to 'ALT**' rather than 'POLAR'. After adjusting that , the
>>> telescope was
>>>> working well. The east button was working in the beginning for
>>> mysterious
>>>> reasons, and it broke down again after sometime..
>>>> 3. It would be a perfect night if the lights of the stadium is
>>> closed. We
>>>> did send out the email to require that, but somehow they were not
>>> doing it.
>>>> It's not the firs time for this to happen.. Anyone knows how to
>>> solve this
>>>> problem?
>>>> 4. We had a lot of fun ourselves when there were only astro people
>>> in the
>>>> dome. Sometime we shall find a night as good as this, and have a
>>> star gazing
>>>> party music and refreshments in Peyton :)
>>>> Finally, thank you so much Chris, Chelsea for helping out with
>>> setting up
>>>> the telescope and organize the observation, I would have been crying
>>> with a
>>>> not working telescope without you. Thanks Elisa for helping sort out
>>> all
>>>> details, and thank you for coming, giving help and nice company,
>>> Pete, Alex,
>>>> Andrea, Manu and Simo. I'm really moved that you guys came to help
>>> and
>>>> stayed so late at night, even though some had to get up very early
>>> tomorrow.
>>>> This is the best Friday night I have had in Peyton.
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Munan
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