[Peyton-observing] Public observing log (Feb 26)

John Hoffman jah5 at princeton.edu
Wed Feb 26 23:49:01 EST 2014

Dear all,

Tonight was a moderate night for observing. There were no clouds (good), it
was cold (good?), however the seeing was a "2/5," according to the clear
sky chart, and things seemed to be much blurrier than usual. We tried
carefully adjusting the focus, changing the position of the eyepiece and
changing the eyepiece itself, but that didn't seem to make the problems go

All slew buttons appear to work now :).

That being said, we were able to look at Jupiter, M81, M82, the "double
triple," and more. There was a decent turnout, including a
journalist+photographer, a local high school astronomy teacher, our very
own Elisa Chisari, Johannes Rothe, Naoki Arakawa, and several other locals.

Elisa and I also gave a brief department tour (CMB/SDSS photos & The Rug)
to the journalist and a few other attendees.

Renee, Semyeong & John
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