[Peyton-observing] Observing this year

Jegunn jeg at astro.princeton.edu
Mon Sep 8 15:38:29 EDT 2014

Some of you responded to my general call for people to support the
program, but I would very much like to hear from all of you whether
you are interested in continuing this year, so we can get the mailing
list in reasonable shape and know how many people we can call on.
So please let me/Chelsea (just copy us both--her email is above) know
as soon as you can, or just send it to the list.

I am away next week, but am looking either at Monday the 22nd or Monday
the 28th or Wednesday the 1st Oct for a meeting for the new people, and
would, of course, like a few of you as well to come, so if you have
preferences, let me know.

We also still need folks for the 17th and 24th. Munan can come on the
24th, but we need two for the 17th and one for the 24th.

thanks much


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