[Peyton-observing] Observing Over the Holidays

Stephanie Huston smh at astro.princeton.edu
Fri Dec 19 09:43:30 EST 2014

I have the public observing session on 12/22 scheduled.

If anyone else would like to schedule personal observing time between 
now & January 5, please let me know today.  Many people are taking the 
next two weeks off, and I don't want their to be an issue with 
scheduling the lights off if you are already planning on spending some 
time in the observatory or on the roof.

That said, I am not taking the full 2 weeks off, and will be checking 
email through out the holiday break, however I do not typically work 
weekends or on the university holidays (12/25, 12/26 and 1/1 & 1/2), so 
do not expect to hear from me over those days if you have observing 

Stephanie Huston
Astrophysical Science
Peyton Hall

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