[Peyton-observing] Last night's public observing

Andreas Ritter azuri.ritter at gmail.com
Thu Jun 30 02:26:49 EDT 2016

Dear all,
Last night Melinda, Joshua and I ran the public observing. The door was
open and the stadium lights were switched off. The sky was clear and we
observed Mars, Jupiter (until it went behind the tree), Saturn, Mizar, and
M13 (globular cluster). In the beginning it was pretty crowded so Joshua
took one group on a tour through Peyton Hall. There were lots of kids and
some of them asked a lot of questions. Melinda made a lot of new friends...


Dr. Andreas Ritter
Department of Astrophysical Sciences
Peyton Hall
Princeton University
New Jersey

A history of the Universe - the short story:
Hydrogen is a light, odourless gas which, given enough time, turns into
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