[Peyton-observing] Public observing last night

Munan Gong munan at princeton.edu
Thu Jul 28 15:06:07 EDT 2016

Hi all,
Atirath, Alwin and I hosted the observing last night, and it was a great
session. There are about 40 people, and Atirath and I took people in turn
for tours around the building. They loved the carpet. We saw Saturn, Mars,
Alberio, M13 (GC), and the ring nebula. Saturn is absolutely the public's
favorite. There is a (high-school? )teacher who took a group of students
here, and had a picture with the telescope in the end. After the crowd
left, we had a look of M11, M16 (both nice OCs), and a glimpse of Neptune.
Atirath (our high-school astronomer) was amazing and very helpful - come
and meet him if you haven't!
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