[Peyton-observing] Observing Night 8-30

Greta Shum gretashum at gmail.com
Thu Sep 1 13:45:26 EDT 2016

Hi all,

Atirath and I had a great observing session on Tuesday night with the cub
scout troop.

There were about 25 people together but we still thought it would be a good
idea to split the group up and have two groups of about 12 each. The first
group saw Albireo, Saturn, Mars, and the dumbell nebula (which was a bit
tough), and we talked through all the objects. The second group saw about
the same things plus M13, but Saturn had gone behind Fine (which was just
fine), and it got a little cloudy, so we didn't try for any faint things.
The scouts were, as a whole, great kids--very curious though also very
talkative among themselves--but the adults and older siblings were also
great about helping them on the ladder and keeping them focused, etc.
Atirath led both tours around Peyton, which I believe both went very well.

We ended the session around 10:30 PM.

Thanks so much!

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