[Peyton-observing] September Public Observing

Samuel Yee swyee at princeton.edu
Thu Sep 22 00:46:50 EDT 2022

Hi all,

Our first public observing session of the fall semester was tonight, and it
went pretty smoothly considering the long hiatus. Thanks Carolyn, Sarah,
Jared, Abby, and Tansu for helping out! The weather was middling, with
intermittent clouds and poor seeing. But we still got a good look at
Saturn, Jupiter, Epsilon Lyrae (double star), and Andromeda, before
returning to the planets at the end of the night for those visitors who
arrived late (I think this idea of returning to the early objects is one we
should keep whenever possible). We had a turnout of probably 60
people, mostly grad students, undergrads, and people from the IAS, which is
great considering the limited advertising we did for this event. Our
strategy of having most people in the auditorium (actually, Grand Central
tonight because of issues with the projector) and having them cycle up
through the dome worked well, and I will share the slide deck we used
tonight as an ongoing repository for pictures and notes about different

Next month, we have Rodrigo taking the lead, along with Camryn, Christian,
Tansu, and Lucia on *19th October starting at 8:30pm*, with the rain date a
week later. Let's think about ways we can advertise more broadly ahead of
this event.

Also, if anyone has suggestions for what we should do for the Halloween
special and who we might advertise it to, please let me know!

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