[Peyton-observing] Halloween Public Observing

Samuel Yee swyee at princeton.edu
Sun Oct 30 23:56:49 EDT 2022

Hi all,

We had our first Halloween special public observing tonight! High cirrus
clouds meant we were confined to the moon (until it set behind Fine Hall),
Saturn, and Jupiter (with all four Galilean moons visible tonight), still
great objects to look at. We had a huge turnout of ~50 people who stayed
over the night and maybe ~80 people who turned up in total. I'd printed
some of NASA's Halloween posters
<https://exoplanets.nasa.gov/alien-worlds/galaxy-of-horrors/> and got some
candy to give out, and I think it was a great success.

Huge thanks to Charlotte and Carolyn for not only running the telescope
tonight but also giving short talks that helped keep people occupied while
they were waiting their turn. I think people really liked those talks and
should be something we try to do more regularly moving forward! Thanks also
to Sarah, who got some Halloween decorations, and once more to Camryn,
whose great effort putting up posters all around town has really helped us
reach new audiences.

Our next session is November 16, and I currently have Rodrigo, Lucia, Geert
Jan, Chris White, and Yilun scheduled to run it. Let me know if you can no
longer make it. One thing I was thinking was that we might want to start
earlier than 8pm as it might be easier for families with kids to join us,
and really should not be a problem once daylight savings ends.

Thanks again,
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