[Peyton-observing] November Public Observing

Samuel Yee swyee at princeton.edu
Tue Nov 22 09:29:59 EST 2022

Hi all,

We had another public observing session last night. Thanks Chris and Geert
Jan for helping out, as well as Rodrigo, Robel and Yilun who were ready
last Wednesday but were unfortunately rained out :(.

We only had < 20 people come last night, and I'm not sure if it was because
it was cold, too close to the holidays, or if our communication about the
backup rain dates could be better. In any case, it gave us the opportunity
to look at many more objects despite the incredibly mediocre seeing;
including all the outer planets apart from Saturn, some open and globular
clusters, nebulae, etc.

Our next session is December 14, and I have Jens, Bob, Jake, Robel and
Shaunak scheduled that night. Let me know if you are still available then!

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