[Peyton-observing] Public observing update

Elisa Chisari nchisari at princeton.edu
Tue Feb 5 20:56:24 EST 2013

Hi everyone,

We had a great suggestion from Stephanie for doing a bit more publicity 
of the public observing sessions. My impression is we might get too many 
people at once if we advertise in the local newspapers, so it might be a 
good idea to start by advertising the event in some campus-wide 
newsletter before taking the next step. Any suggestions?

The other suggestion we had is to set up a comments section in the 
webpage for the public to leave their suggestions/questions, etc. The 
public website is written in php. I don't have a sense of whether this 
is easy to incorporate. If you have experience with php, please speak up.

Finally, we are keeping a schedule of all observing events (public, 
classes, etc) in the webpage in the "internal" section (you need to be 
on the Peyton network to access it):
So if you know of any planned observing nights or you are planning to 
host one, please take a look at that page.

A reminder that the East button on the telescope still does not work, so 
if you haven't had to deal with that, please ask someone who has been 
observing recently to fill you in on the procedure for setting up before 
your next turn.



N. Elisa Chisari
Graduate Student
Department of Astrophysical Sciences
Princeton University

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