[Peyton-observing] July 18 Public Observing Recap

Greta Shum gretashum at gmail.com
Thu Jul 19 20:02:45 EDT 2018

Hi all,

We had a terrific turnout last night! I’d estimate we had over 60 people at
10pm (which was around the peak). We had everyone take a look at the moon
first, and then we had to split into about 3 groups. Brianna and I each
took a group around the building while Atirath showed Saturn to a third
group. The other two groups came back and we were able to show everyone
else Saturn, Jupiter and Albireo, ending around 11:30. Overall it was an
excellent night for seeing and while the atmosphere did cause some haziness
especially when we were looking at Jupiter, everyone seemed to be fairly

However, the size of the crowd especially during these nice summer months
is sort of becoming a problem. Brianna, Atirath and I were discussing the
possibility of creating a sign-up form (like this one that Luke made:
https://goo.gl/7AszG8), or a Facebook event. Simply encouraging people to
“register” would help give us an idea of how many people to expect even if
we don’t set a cap. Alternatively we could host two observing nights per
month during the summer.

Another strategy would be to just make these events less enjoyable so that
we don’t have this high-turnout problem. (You’re right, that’s impossible!)


Brianna, Atirath, Luke and Greta
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